Educ 560

When they told me that we are going to have a technology class related to education, I thought that this is just another class that I will leave it just as I entered to it, but since we started the course each sesssion I get to know something really interesting and benificial.

Because in more and more schools technology is becoming an instructional tool, as future teachers we should really go through the different methods and techniques used in class rooms, and we should know how to keep technology as an instructional tool and not instructional subject. This course emphasize all these points clearly.

Students these days are familiar with the technology and it is a part of their daily life, so we need to know everything abou these techniques and know how to use it. Now we can choose what to use in our classrooms, how to select a credible website, how to use different programs such as the power point, and we are on our way to master the webquest construction skill.\

The following link can help you understand the real importance of such course 

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