Every single individual has an enormous potential to accomplish more than what he can imagine but an incredibly damaging force can put limits to what he is trying to accomplish in your personal and professional life. Anger is a common experience between all people. How many times you lost control on the situation because you were unable to manage your anger??
Anger must be managed efectively and this force must be directed employed for a constructive not a distructive thing.
Here are some tips to control your anger:
1) Before you respond to a certain tense situation, take a time out and count to 10. This time will give you a chance to defuse your temper.
2) Don't express your feeling until you are calm. keep ypu feelings inside you until you can express them in an effective way
3) Physical activities can help you control your anger, whenever you feel frustrated go for a walk or do any king of exercises.
4) Think before you speak. Collect your thoughts, rationalize them, then say what you want. In this way you will make sure that you will not regret later.
5) Look for the possible solutions. When you find the propper solution for your situation, you will automatically feel better.
good post sahar. we probably had many problems just because not being able to control our anger. however the assumptions you gave are really hard to apply. we should practice them and be serious about them in order to overcome many problems