Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Sound of the Stars!!

How many nights you spent under the stars watching them? Did you ever wonder if these sparkles in the clear sky are quit or have sounds? Well somebody thought about that and recently the NASA recorded the sound of stars. It is surprising how these shiny stars can make you feel relaxed and calm while they can make great noise in our world without affecting us. What is not surprising is that we always read this information but we never understood it before, this information is clear in our book "Quran" where all the knowledge of the world exists, it is our gift from our God to guide us but we left it behind and know the west is discovering the knowledge and we are watching. We really must give a great concern for our religion and try to understand it.  
Each star has a specific sound related to its size and its shape. I would like you all to hear the sound of the stars and tell me what you feel?
Sobhan allah

1 comment:

  1. nice information, as you said we should look more for the quran meaning to improve our knowledge..
