Sunday, April 28, 2013

Determination and Hard Work





"Things turnout to be the best for those who make the best way of the way things turnout"

It is a complicated quote but it is valuable. Never wait things to be good for you, instead you should work hard and do your best to get the best of everything. Have a clear goal, use your determination, work hard, and never lose hope.

Things will not be done spontaneously, things are waiting your efforts, and problems will not be fixed alone, problems are waiting your solutions.
Don't under estimate any opportunity in your life; you never know where you may end up after any simple experience. It is about making something out of nothing, or even making something good out of something bad.

Bad things will keep happening but this shouldn’t stop you, obstacles are not signs to stop working, they are signs to work harder. Failure is not the end, it is the beginning of the change in your life No matter how bad something is, there is always something good behind it. So, never regret something that happened or might happen with you because it always turn out to be good for something.

Look for the filled part of the glass but don’t ignore the empty part and use your determination to fill it, and make use of it. It is amazing what determination can do, and how it can change your life.

1 comment:

  1. wow sahar, thank you for this post it is just like the " pep talk " we all want to hear.
    Yes when we determine on getting something we will do any thing to get it and recah it, and yes bad things can happen but they should never kill us. I love the quote that says: " what does not kill you, makes you stronger"
